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Form 85

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Diebitsch became an SS Oberführer and also designed the notorious black uniform and the death's head logo. Himmler became interested in the porcelain factory, and it was taken under SS management in 1936. Diebitsch and Himmler felt that the factory could produce authentic manifestations of German art and Aryan culture, and could capture for the SS some of the lucrative market for decorative porcelain. Professor Theodor Kärner was recruited from the Meissen works to assist Diebitsch, and many artisans were hired from other porcelain makers. About 250 ceramic models were made, and the pieces were so popular that a production line was started at the Dachau camp itself. Dachau inmates testified that they worked on porcelain although the plant managers denied this.The factory was shut down shortly before Allied troops reached Allach in the last week of the war. Diebitschsurvived and worked as a porcelain artist until his death in 1985. Franz Nagy attempted to reopen the factory without success, but a few pieces exist which bear the imprint "N" rather than the "SS" mark.
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